Αισχρή προπαγάνδα από την Ελληνική τηλεόραση.
7 Απριλίου 2009
VatopaidiFriend : Είναι τραγικό, όταν αδαείς και άσχετοι άνθρωποι με κάποιο θέμα, ασχολούνται με σοβαρότατα θέματα όπως τα Εθνικά μας συμφέροντα, τα θρησκευτικά και θεολογικά θέματα, εσχατολογικά και αιρετικά. Μερικοί δημοσιογράφοι, εκμεταλλευόμενοι το γεγονός ότι έχουν βήμα, παραπλανούν και εσκεμμένα οδηγούν τους απλούς ανθρώπους σε λαθεμένα και επικίνδυνα συμπεράσματα. Μου είναι πολύ δύσκολο να πιστέψω ότι δεν ξέρουν τι κάνουν και στο κάτω, κάτω, δεν ήξερες…δεν ρώταγες. Μήπως πρέπει να τους σταματήσουμε κάπως? Θα μου πει κάποιος βέβαια : «Εσύ με ποιό δικαίωμα κριτικάρεις?» Όμως αδελφοί μου δεν κάνω κριτική. Απλά διαμαρτύρομαι και έχω κάθε δικαίωμα, γιατί αυτοί οι άνθρωποι προσβάλλουν αυτά που πιστεύω. Προσβάλλουν την θρησκεία μας, τον Θεό, τους Αγίους, την πατρίδα μας. Φτάνει πια. Είναι επικίνδυνοι.
Εάν κάποιος αδελφός μας δεν καταλάβει τι λέει το παρακάτω κείμενο, παρακαλώ χωρίς δισταγμό, στείλτε μας e-mail να σας το μεταφράσουμε.
Blatant propaganda on Greek TV
Encouraging message by P. Voskopoulos for «Macedonian» minority action in Greece
By Dr. Christos Karatzios
Please see video broadcasted at ALTER’s Atheatos Kosmos and the way our national issue is handled; the
video is long but it is of utmost interest: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=684809060174481007
«Do not fear! Lift your heads high, we can do this very well!», is the message that the representative of the so-called «Macedonian» minority, Pavlos Voskopoulos, promoted in a sly manner to the inconspicuous participants of the televised program «Atheatos Kosmos», on March 10, 2009 on the Greek television station ALTER. During the program representatives of the political party «Rainbow», Greek politicians, historians, and journalists discussed the recent United Nations report by Ms. Gay MacDougall, on the «minority» issue in Greece.
In particular, towards the end of the broadcast, Mr. Voskopoulos, openly addressing the supposedly oppressed
«Macedonian minority», which he calls «Makedonski», said: «Dosta veќe da se plašete, gorno glavata, možno e, mnogu dobro.» When asked to translate into Greek what he had said, he replied falsely: «this is a matter of pride for us.» Mr. Voskopoulos virtually called for an uprising by members of his political faction in Greece.
We welcome the initiative of ALTER channel to address the critical Macedonian issue. However, expressing the historical concerns of the Diaspora, the Macedonian Studies Center and the Pan-Macedonian Associations of U.S. and Canada, we wish to inform the Greek public about certain inaccuracies during the broadcast.
First, the amiable journalist Mr. Hardavelas, referred to Nicodemus Tsarknias of the sectarian and self-called
«Macedonian» Church in Aridaia, Greece saying that the building is incomplete, «as if no one wants to see it.» This statement was unfortunate. The Tsarknias church building was not built back then because it lacked sufficient funds for its completion (and virtually no support from the alleged minority that it was allegedly serving!). Mr. Tsarknias is the one who sent an inflammatory letter to the legitimate Bishops of Kastoria, Florina and Thessaloniki, demanding the keys to their churches, because he believes Greece has occupied «Macedonia» since 1912! During the program it was said that people who make frequent visits are from the FYROM and its Diaspora (Toronto and Australia). Where are the «ethnic Macedonians» from Greece? Unfortunately there was no mention about it during the broadcast.
Relevant Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_uIiASioWw , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JW1jPLER04
The «deported Aegean Macedonians» declared to the young journalists, who were sent to FYROM to interview them
that they have been grouped into an organization that lists 50,000 people! What kind of organization has 50,000 as members and why is this organization not known throughout the world? The repeated question of the journalists: «Do you feel Greek?» prompted them to declare: «No, I am Macedonian». Then, they claimed that their ancestors were the owners of properties that were left behind when they fled Greece. They proclaim that the Greek government does not permit them entry to Greece after the Greek Civil War.
During the broadcast a member of the Greek Communist Party (KKE) during the 1940s and then a NOF fighter, who
took arms against the Greek government during the Greek Civil War, made certain statements. She concluded that the Greek authorities did not allow her to return to Greece! Her statement was interesting in that her only wish is «to come back in Greece,» in order to see the grave of her mother. A few seconds later, negating her own words, she said that she has already visited Edessa and Florina!
The vast majority of NOF «fighters» initially took weapons against Greece and served Bulgarian interests, under the
command of Axis Bulgarian army officers, such as Anton Kaltseff. In the summer of 1944, when the Germans were preparing to retreat from Greece, they were transformed from Bulgarians to «Macedonians», enlisted in SNOF (Slavomacedonian EAM, or Slavomacedonian National Liberation Front), and fought along side ELAS (Greek People’s Liberation Army) hoping to avoid punishment for their treason against Greece during the Axis occupation of Nazi Germany, Italy, and Bulgaria. In October 1944, after they broke away from ELAS, they left Greek territory and went to Yugoslavia, where they joined Tito’s partisans, bearing the name «The Aegean Shock Brigade.» In the summer of 1946 they returned to the mountains of Greece as NOF (Slavomacedonian National Liberation Front) to fight alongside the communist «Democratic Army of Greece» (DSE), and to exploit Greek divisions during the Greek Civil War. In the summer of 1949, some before and others after the final defeat of the DSE again left Greek territory and eventually settled in Skopje and adopted Slavic names. Many among them including the leaders of the KKE (Communist Party of Greece) returned to Greece. Others did not return, or chose to return only on condition that Greece will accept their changed names, recognizing them as «Macedonians.» Still others did not return, or chose to return only on condition that Greece will recognize them as «fighters of the «Macedonian» Iliden Revolution». We should all know about the 28,000 Greek children who were sent to Iron Curtain countries by the communists for «education», the majority of whom are now middle aged and have been taught that they were expelled. Also, we must have in mind the numerous UN resolutions calling for the return of these children from the Communist countries, especially from former Yugoslavia (UN Resolutions 382 (1950), 517 (1952) and 618 (1952)).
Furthermore, in another interview with a representative of the «ethnic Macedonian minority» from the village of Meliti, Greece there was again an unfortunate mention that «the only wish all these people have is to find work» and one father even claimed that he is «forced» to take care of his adult children (one of his children is 31 years old) because they can not find work in Greece, simply because they are «Macedonian»! In an era where many immigrants (legal and illegal) can find jobs and make a living in Greece, this claim is ludicrous.
It is crucial that Greek TV invites historians and politicians who are knowledgeable in this issue, so that they can rebut
the historical inaccuracies, distortions and propaganda. It is also important that individuals who know the language spoken in the FYROM, and the Slavonic idiom used in some Greek border areas (the two are different), be present during such broadcasts, so that Greek television does not promote messages against our national interests.
We also understand the progressive and humanitarian ideas of some of the guests. In addition, we, the Macedonians
of the Diaspora, want friendly relations with Greece’s neighbour and wish for an equitable solution to the issue. However, friendship and progressiveness cannot be promoted by ignorance and misrepresentation of historical facts, especially at a time when negotiations for the name of Greece’s northern neighbour are ongoing. This is especially true when intolerant and irredentist behavior of the FYROM against Greece is ever escalating.