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Congressman Michael McMahon, the next rising star in the Turkish Caucus/Lobby

1 Μαρτίου 2010

Congressman Michael McMahon, the next rising star in the Turkish Caucus/Lobby

By Alex Aliferis
Congressman Michael McMahon (D-NY-13) has become bankrolled by the Turkish Coalition of America.

McMahon represents New York’s 13th Congressional District which includes Staten Island, Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Dyker Heights and neighborhoods in Brooklyn. From 1981 till 2008, it was a Republican held district. Former Republican Congressman Vito Fossella vacated seat in 2008 due to a scandal he committed in Alexandria, Virginia. McMahon rode the Obama wave in 2008 with other Democrats. However, the 13th district’s Staten Island went for McCain. In 2010, his seat is being targeted by Republicans.

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In 2009, Congressman Michael McMahon became a member of the Subcommittee on Europe in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. On May 10, 2009, Congressman McMahon joined the Turkish Caucus. He joined the Hellenic Caucus pledging support for Cyprus and the Patriarchate. To the dismay of Armenian Americans and Greek Americans, he took the Turkish side to deny the Armenian Genocide. He took the Azeri Turkish side to condemn the freedom of Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan Turkish persecution. How trustworthy is this man to Greek Americans when he supports the Turkish side’s denial of the Armenian Genocide which means he probably denies the Genocide of Greeks and Assyrians of Asia Minor, 1915-1923.

Congressman McMahon pledged not to vote ‘Yes’ for the Armenian Genocide Resolution in an upcoming March 4, 2010 vote in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In October 2007, the resolution narrowly passed in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Yet, Turkish threats to invade Iraq scared the Bush Administration into pulling all the strings to stop a general vote on the Armenian Resolution which is supported by a majority in the US House. After this, Turkey invaded Iraq to the dismay of the USA, and the weak Iraqi government.

On February 10, 2010, the Turkish Coalition of America honored Congressman Michael McMahon in a special dinner event.

TCA dinner honoring Michael McMahon Video (Feb 10, 2010):


He noted his foreign affairs Legislative Assistant, who is Turkish, Naz Turkoglu, for introducing him to the Turkish American community of New York City. The dinner was attended by the Turkish Ambassador to the USA as a fundraiser to elect McMahon in 2010.

The above video and statements make it clear that the Turkish Lobby is using Michael McMahon, after Robert Wexler’s resignation from Congress on Jan 10, 2010, to be the next strong Turkey supporter in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe. Wexler was Co-chair of the Turkish Caucus and Chair of the Subcommittee on Europe. McMahon like Wexler occupied congressional districts where huge Greek American communities resided. Regardless, they keep to their strong support for Turkey. Democrat Michael McMahon is the only strong Turkey supporter in the Subcommittee on Europe along with Democrat David Scott (he voted against Armenian Genocide Resolution).

Greek Americans number around 20,000 in McMahon’s district. These voters can act as swing voters if united in a block. 2010 will be a bad year for Democrats like McMahon who risk strong chance of losing their reelection. Hundreds of Greek Americans calling McMahon on the Armenian Genocide will make him very scared. He may even vote YES on the Armenian Genocide due to these calls. This is why it’s very important that Greek Americans support the Armenian Genocide Resolution. Thousands of Greek Americans across the 50 states can actively call their Congressman to cosponsor and support the Armenian Genocide Resolution. Michael McMahon’s rising stardom among the Turkish Lobby should sound the alarms to key Greek American supporters of McMahon. In any event, this is an urgent call to Greek Americans across New York City and the USA to call McMahon’s Washington DC office at 202-225-3371 to vote YES on the Armenian Genocide Resolution on March 4, 2010.

Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)

2578 Broadway #132

New York, NY 10025

New York: Tel. 917-699-9935



Lincoln McCurdy, President of the Turkish Coalition of America said “It’s the beginning of Turkish activism. Turkish Americans have to speak out more. We have over 100 members in the Turkish Caucus. Michael McMahon…he begins the next chapter of Turkish American Activism…He has been very active in the Turkish Caucus. He is playing a role in the communities. We need congressmen to bring together Greek Americans, Armenian Americans, and Turkish Americans. It started to be heard under Wexler. «Congressman Michael McMahon said, “We do have Greek Americans living together with Turkish Americans. We can build these bridges together.» He said, «It’s a privilege to be in the Turkish Caucus.»