In English

Keep the pressure on ieee! Stop cooperation with Turkish illegal occupiers!

17 Ιουνίου 2010

Keep the pressure on ieee! Stop cooperation with Turkish illegal occupiers!

NEW YORK—An intense letter writing protest campaign is being directed at the The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE a worldwide professional organization incorporated in New York State, with offices in Washington DC and around the world. IEEE is cooperating with the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University” a pseudo-entity built on the land stolen from Greek-Cypriots by the brutal Turkish-military invasion in 1974.

The protest initiated by CANA (Cyprus Action Network of America) together with the Movement for FREEDOM and Justice and Cyprus, and the Greek-Cypriot refugee association ADOULOTI KERINIA has been supported by activists writing in from as far away as Australia, Greece and all over the United States.

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The letter writing campaign came after Greek-Cypriot Professor George A. Kyriacou of Democritus University of Thrace Democritus University , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  in Greece sent us an email of his rejection of the IEEE cooperation in the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University” (see Professor Kyriacou’s letter to the IEEE and event organizers below)

Today, the Cypriot Television station SIGMA carried the story of the letter writing protest campaign, which is now being covered by practically every major media outlet in our Cyprus homeland

Please join our campaign and urge every organization which you may be affiliated with to write in their own protest letter to the IEEE. The President of the IEEE has replied to us today, acknowledging receipt of our protest letter. However, this is not enough, CANA urges all patriots to keep writing and to further the campaign by emailing the other IEEE contacts responsible for the cooperation, including again the IEEE president. We urge all participants to not stop until IEEE stops all cooperation with the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University” which is on land and buildings stolen from Greek-Cypriots forcibly displaced by the illegal Turkish military-invasion in 1974.


To:  Mr. Pedro Ray, IEEE President and CEO
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2001 L Street, NW. Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036-4910 USA
Phone: +1 202 785 0017
Fax: +1 202 785 0835
Contact Info of IEEE Event organizers:

Moshe Kam-President IEEE-elected <>,
Samir El-Ghazaly-President-MTT <>,
«Nicholas (Nick) Kolias» <N.Kolias@IEEE.Org>,
Magdalena Salazar Palma-President Elect <>,
URSI-Inge Heleu <>,
Wolfgang Heinrich – EuMA President <>

Further IEEE Contact Info:
IEEE Executives:
IEEE Antennas and Propagation
European Microwave Association
URSI-International Union of Radio Science

(1)  The original CANA (Cyprus Action Network of America) Action Alert issued on June 09, 2010
URGENT! Protest the Turkish Microwave Event in Illegal so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University”:

(2) The article by popular Greek-Cypriot website EFYLAKAS with sample letters from CANA, The Movement for FREEDOM and Justice in Cyprus, ADOULOTI KERINIA and Fanoulla Argyrou

(3) Report from SIGMA Media
Αντιδράσεις για το Μεσογειακό Συμπόσιο στα κατεχόμενα
Εκτύπωση Αποστολή  15 Ιουνίου 2010, 14:53 EEST SigmaLive

(4) The CANA Press Release on the IEEE Protest in Greek

(5) The original letter from Greek-Cypriot Professor George Kyriacou

To:   Presidents or Officers of IEEE, MTT, AP, URSI and EUMA,
As a member of the corresponding scientific societies, I was strongly dissapointed to find out that our societies are sponsors of the
«Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, 25-27 August 2010, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus»
according to the attached call for papers.
I and my group used to participate the MMS conferences, including the last one organized in Damascus, Syria, 14-16 Oct. 2008.

However, I can’t participate this conference nor I will participate any future MMS symposium, since the organizers were so careless to organize it in a land invaded and occupied until today by military force.
Note the address given at the end of this call for papers:
MMS’2010, Middle East Technical University-Northern Cyprus Campus, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program, Kalkanli, Guzelyurt, Mersin 10, Turkey, Tel: +90 (0)392 661 2935 or 2972, Fax: +90 (0)392 661 2949, E-mail:
First the small town of the occupied Cyprus named Morphou is written by a Turkish name Guzelyurt and appears as being part of Turkey . Think that this is just like presenting Paris as being part of Germany , or New-Mexico city as being part of Mexico .

Actually, I was born and raised in the occupied part of Cyprus and during 1974 we were forced out and became refugees, along with 200.000 more Greek Cypriots. At the same time we have witnessed the face of barbarians raping and destroying everything. I urge any one of you, who will participate this conference to walk around and see the destroyed Churches and cemeteries.

Even more, the hotels and the «University» installations hosting the Symposium are stolen properties of the Greek Cypriots who were violently expatriated.
Just think about it, that a few years ago, I was not allowed to participate this symposium, since I’m a Greek Cypriot.

Once, again I strongly protest to your careless decision to Sponsor a Symposium hosted in an illegally occupied land and in an  illegal state non-existent and non-recognized worldwide. You may also considered as responsible if something happens to any participant (from a lost passport to any health problem) in this illegal entity, non-recognized state.

As, a member I expect from the elected officers of IEEE, URSI and EuMA to do everything in their power to withdraw the support to MMS-2010 as being hosted in military occupied Cyprus.
Also, I’m expecting from the IEEE URSI and EuMA officers to avoid publishing in their websites any articles from this symposium (hosted in a military occupied land).

Looking forward to see your actions,


George Kyriacou
George A. Kyriacou
Democritus University of Thrace
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Microwaves Lab.

ΑΙΜΑΤΗΡΗ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ – BLOODY TRUTH (Download the Greek and English PDF book) Learn the Truth about the Turkish terrorist organizations Volgan and TMT and the Turkish Bizonal Bicommunal Federation plan. Volunteer  for our information tables to distribute the book.


Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935
