In EnglishΆγ. Νεκτάριος ΠενταπόλεωςΆγιοι - Πατέρες - ΓέροντεςΟδοιπορικά - Προσκυνήματα

Saint Nektarios Metropolitan of Pentapolis (Libya) and the Vatopedi Monastery (3rd nocturn)

27 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Saint Nektarios Metropolitan of Pentapolis (Libya) and the Vatopedi Monastery (3rd nocturn)

by Andri Hatzikosta-Tofalidou

1st Letter

3rd July 1900

The holy commissioners of the Great and Holy Monastery of Vatopedi, at the Holy Mountain
After offering my brotherly salute in Christ, I take the courage to appeal to your brotherly affection to support my book, whose contents are included herewith. The entire contents of the book are cited in detail, and manifest its great importance and the significant benefit which will be derived from its publication.
I hope that your Holy monastery, as having the means by the grace of God, and as always being willing to support  the printing and publication of similar worthy works, will positively agree to my petition and support the publication of such a significant and beneficial book. read more…
With this belief, I thank in advance the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopedi,
I remain your fervent well wisher in God,
+Nektarios of Pentapoleos

On Divine attributes and the salvation offered by our Savor Jesus Christ
Chapter A.
On the Savor and redeemer of mankind. On the Son of man; that Jesus Christ is the path, the truth and the life. That the name, Son of man, is the name by which mankind has been given the good message about the future Savor and redeemer. On the expectation of the nations.
On the coming of the fulfillment of the ages, when the expectation of the nations will be fulfilled, and the signs which will indicate the coming of the future redeemer.
On the fulfillment of the ages and the obvious and absolute necessity of the coming of the redeemer of mankind.
Chapter B.
On eternal life and that this is found in the comprehension of the revealed truth. That the desire for eternal life, as natural, is real. That man is always looking for eternal life.
Chapter C
On the coming of the Savor and his distinguishing attributes
1)    That man’s fervent passion is fulfilled
2)    Distinguishing attributes of the Savor, who fulfills the desires of the heart of those who recognize him.
Chapter D
On the necessity to have faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God.
1)    On the fact that  no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him ( Matthew 11, 27)
2)         On the fact that faith to the Son of God and his comprehension, make known to us the Father, grant us eternal life and predestine us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ. ( Ephessian 1, 5)
3) That eternal life is found in the faith to the Savor Jesus Christ.
Chapter E
On the illumination of Christian faith
Testimonies as to the illumination of Christian faith.
An expansion on the testimonies as to the illumination of Christian Faith.
1)        That faith to Christ is illuminating
2)         That faith in Christ, as a guide towards comprehension, as rational faith, is illuminating
3)         Faith in Christ is illuminating, because it promotes fervent love for the object of the love of the person who believes in Him.
4)        Faith in Christ is illuminating because it gives birth to hope in God.
5)     Faith in Christ is illuminating, because it adorns the faithful with the virtue of the Holy Spirit.
6)        Faith in Christ is illuminating because it brings forth the fruits of the Holy Spirit
7)        The illuminating attribute of Christian faith is attested by its edifying force.
8)        Faith in Christ is illuminating, since its light is dispersed in the Holy Scriptures, because they shine into the darkened eyes of the intellect.
9)        Christian faith is illuminating and enlightening because it imparts good morals and wise concepts to the faithful. The Church established in other nations is the great testimony of its illuminating and revealing power.
10)      Faith in Christ is illuminating because it is revealing and imposing.
11)     The power of illumination of the Christian faith is attested by the power of the Holy Cross.
12)      The power of illumination of the Christian faith is attested by the resurrection of our Savor Jesus Christ and His Apostolic work.
13)      Faith in Christ is illuminating because it has prevailed.
14)       Faith in Christ is illuminating because history attests to it.
15)       Faith in Christ is illuminating and enlightening because it informs the intellect and convinces the heart. Its enlightening power is attested by the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament.
16)      The illuminating power of the Christian faith is attested by the swift spread of Christianity in the whole known world at the time. Historical testimonies.
Chapter ST
On divine attributes and the work of our Lord Jesus Christ
Chapter Z
On divine attributes and the work of our Lord Jesus Christ from the Holy Scriptures
1)         Prophesies on Messiah’s personality
2)        Passages from the Gospels which prove the personality of the Messiah, whom the prophets have described.
3)        Prophesies regarding the Messiah’s Passion, His death, his placement in the tomb and His Resurrection.
4)        On the fact that the death of the Messiah brought forth redemption and reconciliation.
Chapter H
On the Holiness of Christian faith.
Chapter Θ
On why people reject miracles΄
1)    That ignorance of God and man is the reason for the rejection of miracles.
2)    That the sense of God as the absolute being supports His revelation in the world.
3)       That God’s kindness wished his revelation in the world.
4)         On God’s relationship with man especially.
5)        On the way divine revelation is accomplished.
Chapter I
Eternal life is the result of faith in Christ and not of deeds in accordance with the law.
1)    On the fact that the law was disciplinary in Christ.
2)    That God has even guided the nations to the comprehension of truth.
3)       That Jesus Christ is the One, on whom Moses and the Prophets have written about.
Chapter ΙΑ
1)        On the requested great sign, as a testimony to the divinity of our Savor Jesus Christ.
2)        The divine character of our Savor Jesus Christ, attested by his redeeming work.
Chapter ΙΒ
On the work of the mission of our Savor Jesus Christ.
On God’s revelation in the world.
Chapter  Α
God’s revelation in the world, attested by the fulfillment of the prophesies.
1)         Prophesies on the coming of the expected Messiah.
Chapter Β
1)    That Jesus Christ is the Son of David and Son of God.
2)    Prophesies on the clan, sex, house, ancestors and place of birth of Messiah.
3)         The prophesies which have been fulfilled in the face of Jesus Christ,    verify that He is the expected Savor of the World, that He is a true God, and that He has come and no one else is expected.    Chapter C
Prophesies referring to the Jews which have been fulfilled in accordance with what has been foretold.
1)         Predictions by Moses.
2)         The fulfillment of the prayers.
3)         The fulfillment of the good predictions at the times of the Judges.
4)           The fulfillment of predictions at the time of the Kings.
5)         Curses and their fulfillment
6)         Prophesies from the rest of the prophets for what the sons of Israel are to expect.
7)         Prophesies on the return of the clans of Juda and Benjamin after the captivity in Babylon, and the perishing of the other ten clans in captivity.
8 )       Prophesies on the destruction of Judea and the wickedness and lack of faith of the Jews.  .
9)        Prophesies on the return of the other nations to the living God.
Chapter D
Prophesies on the nations surrounding Israel which have fought against and crashed the sons of Israel.
1)        On the prophesies regarding Nineveh .
2)         On the size of Nineveh .
3)        On the destruction of the city of Nineveh.
4)         Prophesies on Babylon and their fulfillment.
Chapter Ε
On God being revealed as Jahveh in the Old Testament;  that he is the Son and Word of God the Father, who has incarnated at the fulfillment of the ages and worked for the redemption of mankind.
Chapter Στ
On the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth, and that it is established in the Holy Church of God.
1)        That the One who has been revealed to the world has established his kingdom of heaven on earth by his Church.
2)       That the revealed God, is being revealed in His Church and that the Holy Mysteries of the Church of God testify His divine revelation that it is through them that He works for the salvation of those who believe in Him.
3)        That he is the Α and the Ω, the beginning and the end, the Lord of all, the just Judge, who will give each in accordance with his works during the Day of Judgment.
The end
Athens 2nd July 1900
+ Nektarios Pentapoleos

source: Άντρης Χατζηκώστα-Τοφαλίδου, Άγνωστες επιστολές του Αγίου Νεκταρίου προς την Ιερά Μονή Βατοπεδίου, Περιοδικόν Ορθόδοξη Μαρτυρία, Έκδοσις Παγκυπρίου Συλλόγου Ορθοδόξου Παραδόσεως «Οι Φίλοι του Αγίου Όρους», τεύχος αριθμός 41, Λευκωσία, Φθινόπωρο 1993

Translated from Greek by: Olga Konnaris Kokkinos, journalist