In EnglishMiracles by the Holy Belt

Miracles by the Holy Belt of Most Holy Theotokos (Virgin Mary) [Volume 17]

30 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Miracles by the Holy Belt of Most Holy Theotokos (Virgin Mary) [Volume 17]

25. I am letting you know about the miracles performed by the Most Holy Lady
«I am sending you this letter to let you know about the miracles of our Most Holy Lady, which took place through the ribbon blessed on the Holy Belt. I have three daughters. All of them had problems in having a child. The first two have lost their first child in the beginning of their pregnancies. The doctor told the third one that it was difficult for her to conceive. The Most Holy Lady was listening to my prayers and sent me my spiritual father, who gave me the ribbons of the Holy Belt. My daughters put them on and each one had a beautiful boy.
I also gave the ribbon to another girl who couldn’t have children and now she also has a beautiful boy, after seven unsuccessful pregnancies.
A woman came from Cyprus, because she had breast cancer. She had two operations and with the grace of the Holy Belt she became well.
The next miracle happened to Androulla. She became pregnant after 25 years of marriage, at the age of 44. However her pregnancy had a lot of problems. She had four tumors which were preventing the development of the fetus. At the instigation of my spiritual father, I gave her the ribbon. The tumors gave way and the fetus began to develop. She now has a baby boy, 8 months old.
I realize that our faith is strengthened with these miracles. I must confess that before I hand over the ribbon, I always advise them to go to confession, as an indication of humility and preparation.
I remain yours with great reverence,