Spiritual Picture of the Day (S.P.O.D) – Πνευματική Φωτογραφία της Ημέρας (Π.Φ.Η.) (23)
12 Οκτωβρίου 2011
One of the worse things which are to be seen today in our culture is that we try to reinvent the wheel. Even worse, we reached at the point in which we say «the wheel isn’t good anymore as it is, let’s build it from the beginning. Α square one».
However, in order to see far away we must stand on shoulders of giants. We must use the experience of forerunners. We must use our tradition. I think that’s a nonsense to invent the «new» for the sake of new.
In order to have the power to go forward we must know where we come from.
Photo shot at the thomb of the Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi…See photo…
Unul dintre cele mai rele lucruri pe care le vedem în „civilizaţia” actuală este faptul că încercăm să reinventăm roata. Chiar mai rău, am ajuns la un punct în care spunem „roata nu mai este bună aşa cum e, hai s-o reconstruim de la început. Şi s-o facem pătrată”
Însă, pentru a vedea departe trebuie să stăm pe umerii unor giganţi. Trebuie să valorificăm experienţa înaintaşilor. Trebuie să ne valorificăm tradiţia. Socotesc că e absurd să inventezi „noul” de dragul noului.
Pentru a avea puterea de a merge înainte trebuie să ştim de unde venim.
Fotografia este un instantaneu de la mormântului părintelui Iosif Vatopedinul.
Ένα από τα χειρότερα πράγματα που βλέπουμε σήμερα στον «πολιτισμό» μας, είναι ότι προσπαθούμε να ξανα-ανακαλύψουμε τον …τροχό.
Ακόμα χειρότερα δε, προσπαθούμε να φτάσουμε σε ένα σημείο που λέμε: «Ο τροχός δεν είναι πια καλός έτσι, ας τον ξαναφτιάξουμε από την αρχή…τετράγωνο!»
Όμως, για να δούμε μακριά, πρέπει να ανέβουμε στους ώμους «γιγάντων». Πρέπει να αξιοποιήσουμε την γνώση των προγόνων μας. Πρέπει να αξιοποιήσουμε την παράδοση μας. Πιστεύω ότι είναι ανόητο να προσπαθούμε να εφεύρουμε το καινούργιο για χάρη του «καινούργιου».
Για να έχουμε τη δύναμη να πάμε μπροστά πρέπει να γνωρίζουμε από που ερχόμαστε….