RomânescSpiritual Picture

50+ Photos from the Feast of Humbleness – 50+ Φωτογραφίες από την γιορτή της ταπεινώσεως

19 Οκτωβρίου 2011

50+ Photos from the Feast of Humbleness – 50+ Φωτογραφίες από την γιορτή της ταπεινώσεως

The Feast of Saint Evdokimos – the feast of humbliness

Sărbătoarea Sfântului Evdokim – sărbătoarea smereniei

Η γιορτή του Αγίου Ευδοκίμου – η γιορτή της ταπεινώσεως


In the cycle «Spiritual Picture of the Day» we will offer a small glimpse from the feast of Saint Evdokimos which ended a while ago. It is the feast of the humbleness, the feast of the power to wish to remain unknown.

Saint Evdokimos is an unknown saint found in the Vatopaidi’s ossuary in 1840, during some reconstruction works. He was found by the beautiful fragrance of his holy relics. He was found dead in a prayer position with an icon of Virgin Mary on his chest. Judging from his clothes, he was dead 100 – 150 years before. From then, the saint does many miracles to the ones who pray to him.

..but besides that, there is a very important aspect: he knew that he will die and he went away from the glory of the humans to be with God. Only with God. And God accepted him.

Nowadays, we do exactly the opposite: we go away from the true glory which came only from God and hunt the vain glory that comes from humans – soap bubbles which is several seconds disappear in the thin air.

Perhaps God urges us to bend our knees in front of the virtue of humbleness of this unknown saint and ask for his help, in order to show us that we are in the wrong way.

See the photos to convince for yourself.


În ciclul „Fotografia Duhovnicească a Zilei” vă oferim o mică privire din sărbătoarea Sfântului Evdokim ce s-a terminat cu puțin timp în urmă. Este sărbătoarea smereniei, sărbătoarea puterii de a rămâne necunoscut.

Sfântul Evdokim este un sfânt necuonscut găsit în osuarul Mănăstirii Vatoped în 1840, în timpul unor lucrări de reconstrucție. Sfântul a fost găsit datorită miresmei extraordinare a sfintelor sale moaște. A fost găsit mort, în poziție de rugăciune cu icoana Maicii Domnului pe piept. Judecând după hainele sale, sfântul a adormit întru Domnul în urmă cu 100 – 150 de ani. De atunci, sfântul face multe minuni celor ce i se roagă.

…însă dincolo de asta, lucrul cel mai important este faptul că el știa că va muri și a plecat departe de slava oamenilor pentru a fi cu Dumnezeu. Numai cu Dumnezeu. Și Dumnezeu l-a primit.

Astăzi, noi facem exact contrarul: ne îndepărtăm de slava cea adevărată care vine de la Dumnezeu și vânăm slava deșartă care vine de la oameni – bule de săpun care dispar în câteva secunde…

Poate că Dumnezeu ne îndeamnă să îngenunchem în fața smereniei acestui sfânt necunoscut și să-i cerem ajutorul cu scopul de a ne arăta că suntem pe un drum greșit.

Vedeți fotografiile ca să vă convingeți singuri.


Στην σειρά των «Πνευματικών φωτογραφιών της ημέρας» σας δίνουμε τη δυνατότητα να δείτε κάτι από την γιορτή του αγίου Ευδόκιμου που τελείωσε πριν από λίγο. Είναι η γιορτή της ταπεινότητας, η γιορτή της δύναμης να ευχόμαστε να παραμένουμε άγνωστοι.

Ο άγιος Ευδόκιμος είναι ένας άγνωστος άγιος που βρέθηκε στο οστεοφυλάκιο του Βατοπαιδίου το 1840 κατά την διάρκεια εργασιών ανακατασκευής. Βρέθηκε χάρη στην ευωδία που ανέδιδαν τα άγια λείψανα του. Όταν τον βρήκαν, ήταν σε γονατιστή στάση προσευχής κρατώντας μια εικόνα της Παναγίας στο στήθος του. Κρίνοντας από τα ρούχα του, είχε κοιμηθεί πριν από 100-150 χρόνια. Από τότε, ο άγιος επιτελεί πολλά θαύματα σε αυτούς που προσεύχονται σε αυτόν.

Όμως εκτός από αυτό, το σημαντικότερο είναι ότι ήξερε ότι θα αποδημήσει εν Κυρίω και απομακρύνθηκε από την «δόξα» του κόσμου, για να είναι κοντά στον Θεό. Μόνος με τον Θεό. Και Εκείνος τον δέχτηκε κοντά Του.

Σήμερα κάνουμε ακριβώς το αντίθετο: Απομακρυνόμαστε από την αληθινή δόξα που προέρχεται μόνο από τον Θεό και κυνηγούμε την εφήμερη ανθρώπινη «δόξα» – σαπουνόφουσκες που σκάνε σε μερικά δευτερόλεπτα…

Ίσως ο Θεός μας προτρέπει να λυγίσουμε τα γόνατά μας μπροστά στην αρετή της ταπεινοφροσύνης του αγίου και να ζητάμε την βοήθειά του για να μας δείξει ότι είμαστε στον λάθος δρόμο.

Δειτε τις φωτογραφίες για να πειστήτε μόνοι σας.
