Dearest friends and associates of the mission in Greece and all over the world, With our warmest greetings in Christ...
Pride arises from a lack of self-awareness and results in a hardening of the heart. Acquire humility, then, and wrap...
When people try to have a humble heart and peaceful thoughts, then none of the plots of the enemy can...
A faithful friend is a living treasure, a fenced off garden, a sealed well which opens from time to time...
There are two most powerful weapons with which we overcome all the traps and temptations of the devil: the first...
As time goes by, everything fades, decays, ages. Only temperance is ageless and unfading. It doesn’t decay but always remains...
Always bear in mind what Moses had to put up with –the two million grumbling people– how greatly he prayed...
People who don’t believe in God or don’t know God are obliged to worship things. » Saint Nicholas Velimirovich Source:
There are two most powerful weapons with which we overcome all the traps and temptations of the devil: the first...
The great thing is for people to realize the deeper meaning of life: that we’re here temporarily and we have...
Virtue which is not exercised disappears quickly under the pressure of various circumstances. We have to be swift to move...
‘Faith without works is dead’ (Jas. 6, 26). Real faith can’t exist without works. Whoever really believes, will certainly perform...
Be careful not to reprimand anyone about anything. Love doesn’t become angry and doesn’t excoriate anyone. » Saint Isaac the...
Be very careful and strict regarding any feeling of pride. Pride manifests itself imperceptibly, particularly in moments of anger and...
In their flesh, people are like a burning candle. The candle is destined to melt, as people are to die....
Give your heart entirely to God, not to the world. Those who’ve given their heart to the world are enemies...
The secret is to seek union with Christ unselfishly, without saying ‘Give me this or that’. It’s enough to say...
For people to go to sweet Paradise, they have to eat a lot of things bitter here below, so that...
There are many ways of praying. They’re all good, if people don’t know how to pray with simplicity. But if...
The purpose of the Christian life is for our intellect to be united with our heart, because then we’re cured....