When people try to have a humble heart and peaceful thoughts, then none of the plots of the enemy can...
A faithful friend is a living treasure, a fenced off garden, a sealed well which opens from time to time...
There are two most powerful weapons with which we overcome all the traps and temptations of the devil: the first...
As time goes by, everything fades, decays, ages. Only temperance is ageless and unfading. It doesn’t decay but always remains...
Always bear in mind what Moses had to put up with –the two million grumbling people– how greatly he prayed...
People who don’t believe in God or don’t know God are obliged to worship things. » Saint Nicholas Velimirovich Source: pemptousia.com
There are two most powerful weapons with which we overcome all the traps and temptations of the devil: the first...
The great thing is for people to realize the deeper meaning of life: that we’re here temporarily and we have...
By tradition it is known that the princess Saint Irmina, daughter of Dagobert II, was to marry Count Herman. All...
Before King David, the prophet, became king of Israel, he was serving under King Saul, who trying to kill him...
‘Have you ever thought that whatever concerns you, concerns Me? Since everything that concerns you concern the apple of My...
Saint Simeon the Stylite was born in the Cappadocian village of Sisan of Christian parents, Sisotian and Martha. At thirteen...
Saint Theodora, the greatest of Romania’s holy ascetics, was born in the village of Vanatori, Neamts in the first half...
Patristic Testimony Concerning the Fast The fast of the holy Apostles is very ancient, dating back to the first centuries...
The Holy Martyr Archil II, King of Georgia belonged to the dynasty of the Chosroidoi, and he was a direct...
St Nectan was born in Wales and lived in the sixth century, but we know few details about his life....
One of the most popular saints among Greeks today is St. John the Russian whose incorrupt relics are the boast...
Saint Musa lived during the fifth century. She was distinguished for her pure life. St Gregory Dialogus included her story...
The Holy Martyrs Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia suffered for Christ during the reign of Emperor Diocletian (284-305). St Vitus was...
Lazeti is a region in southern Kolkheti (Colchis), the ancient kingdom located in what is now southwestern Georgia and northeastern...