From the ‘Large Gerontiko’ An elder once said that there was this hermit who was living in the deepest desert...
English: We received from our Serbian friends, an e-mail with the following text and video attached. We do not know...
May an angel of God, my child, follow you and show you the path of God and of your salvation....
VatopaidiFriend: «The Dream of the Rood (=Cross)» is a wonderful Old English poem written in the 8th century (before the...
I came across this very direct and very insightful bit of information while continuing my reading of Unseen Warfare. It...
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the snares and wickedness of the devil— May...
Continued from (2) In the context of forbidding attitude of the Eastern Fathers toward mental images, it seems necessary to...
Continued from (1) In other words, according to St. Ignatii (Bryanchaninov), purposefully creating images in one’s mind, and even accepting...
Just as there can be a properly trained voice, there can be a properly trained soul. —Fr. Alexander Yelchaninov Fr....