The nine orders of the angels are divided into three heirarchies, each of which is divided into three orders: the...
“Do you think that I cannot call upon My Father and He will not provide Me at this moment with...
The Creation of Heaven and the Establishment of the Angelic World “In the beginning God created the heaven and the...
In the following talk, Fr. Seraphim speaks to us from almost twenty years ago, and yet his words are quite relevant...
As the angels, O Savior, wondered at Thy strange elevation, and the Disciples were amazed at Thy dread rising, Thou...
«Satan can only deceive he cannot pluck us out of the hand of God» Deceive – to mislead by a false...
Angels and Demons God sent us angels to be our traveling companions and our guides in this life, to guard...
All too often do we as creatures of the Almighty forget that in each of us, no matter how spiritually...
Why would God sing? The question may sound strange and yet it is said in Zephaniah (3:17), “He will rejoice...
Almighty God has gifted Orthodox Christianity with monasticism. It is the “alternative lifestyle” of Orthodoxy to which some, but not...
Entering the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ said to His disciples, «Sit here while I go yonder and pray.» Taking...
Hear my prayer, O heavenly Father, Ere I lay me down to sleep; Bid Thy angels, pure and holy, Round...
«We are fools for Christ’s sake» (1 Corinthians 4:10). Thus speaks the great Apostle Paul who in the beginning was...
Chinese Français Deutsch Italiano Español Русский (Russian) Українська (Ukrainian) Prot. No. 1237 BARTHOLOMEW By God’s Grace Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome...
Again we pray for the children of God condemned to death by the unjust judgement of men: that the Lord...
Four corners of my bed Four angels over head Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Bless this bed I lay upon...
VatopaidiFriend: «The Dream of the Rood (=Cross)» is a wonderful Old English poem written in the 8th century (before the...
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the snares and wickedness of the devil— May...