Γεννήθηκε στη Ραγούζα της Δαλματίας, σημερινό Ντουμπρόβνικ της Κροατίας, το 1568 από εύπορους γονείς. Ο πατέρας του Ιωάννης ήταν Βενετός...
St Kronid, in his remarkable first-hand account of his long struggle with severe depression and blasphemous thoughts, writes: «My only...
St. Irene Chrysovalantou flourished after the death of the greedy Emperor Theophilos the first. After Theophilos’s death his spouse, the...
A photograph of an Orthodox bishop I posted on Monday prompted a faithful and respected reader to leave the following...
(…For at it they who worshipped the stars, were taught by a star to adore Thee, the Sun of...
Prayer is by its very nature a dialogue and a union with God. Its effect is to hold the world...
του Γεώργιου Γιαννιού Θεολόγου Είναι μερικοί προορισμοί οι οποίοι μένουν στην καρδιά του ανθρώπου γη πάντα. Προορισμοί διαφορετικοί, «εναλλακτικοί», όπως...
By Nabi Abdullaev / The Moscow Times President Dmitry Medvedev pledged Tuesday to support the study of religion in schools...
Συνέχεια από (1) «Εις μνημόσυνον αιώνιον» «Τίμιος εναντίον Κυρίου ο θάνατος του οσίου αυτού» (β΄μέρος) Ως η διψώσα έλαφος δέχεται...
«Εις μνημόσυνον αιώνιον» «Τίμιος εναντίον (=ενώπιον) Κυρίου ο θάνατος του οσίου αυτού» Την 15ην Ιουλίου 1986 (28/07/1986 με το νέο ημερολόγιο)...
In one of the Sunday Gospel readings we hear the parable of the Royal Son’s wedding feast. In a direct...
Pantaleon was born in Nicomedia of a Christian mother and a pagan father. His mother was called Eubula and his...
Parasceva was born in Rome of Christian parents and from her youth was instructed in the Faith of Christ. With...
The Washington Times By Julia Duin Originally published 04:45 a.m., July 21, 2009, updated 06:22 a.m., July 21, 2009 Religious...
The Elder Porfyrios proved himself an anatomist and healer of both the human soul and human spiritual relations.He said to...
Continued from (2) In the context of forbidding attitude of the Eastern Fathers toward mental images, it seems necessary to...
Continued from (1) In other words, according to St. Ignatii (Bryanchaninov), purposefully creating images in one’s mind, and even accepting...
Just as there can be a properly trained voice, there can be a properly trained soul. —Fr. Alexander Yelchaninov Fr....
Γράφει ο Αρχιμ. Ιωήλ Κωνστάνταρος, Ιεροκήρυξ της Ι. Μητρ. Δρυϊνουπόλεως, Πωγωνιανής και Κονίτσης Αρκετές φορές ακούγεται από ορισμένους η φράση...
Macrina was the eldest sister of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory of Nyssa. As a young virgin, Macrina...