Γεννήθηκε στις αρχές του 18ου αιώνα στο νησί Θέρμη. Μάλλον πρόκειται για το νησί των Κυκλάδων Κύθνο, πού ονομαζόταν και...
Alexander Schmemann Fr. «Be like children» (Mt 18:3)–what can this mean? Is not our whole civilization focused on the task of...
Υϊός του Στέφανου Νεμάνια, μεγάλου ζουπάνου των Σέρβων, ο κατά κόσμον Ράτσκο. Γεννήθηκε γύρω στα 1176. Από νέος ποθούσε τη...
By Olga Konaris Kokkinos, Journalist Everyone knows that when one is deliberately ignoring certain facts, one is equally guilty had...
Ο όσιος Ευθύμιος διετέλεσε ηγούμενος κατά το δεύτερο μισό του 13ου αιώνος της μονής Βατοπαιδίου σε μιά κρίσιμη περίοδο για...
A transcript of a talk given at St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Orthodox Retreat on 7 September 2009 in Guerneville, CA...
Chinese Français Deutsch Italiano Español Русский (Russian) Українська (Ukrainian) Prot. No. 1237 BARTHOLOMEW By God’s Grace Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome...
Several years ago during the Christmas season, a religious program on television caught my attention. The program featured a discussion...
Thank you, dear ones, for your support and prayers. I can’t express my pain in words. It’s like the pain...
Again we pray for the children of God condemned to death by the unjust judgement of men: that the Lord...
Μέγας πατήρ της Εκκλησίας και οικουμενικός διδάσκαλος. Η διδασκαλία του για τη θέωση του ανθρώπου και τη μετοχή του στις...
Γεννήθηκε στην κωμόπολη Άγιος Πέτρος Κυνουρίας της Πελοποννήσου από ευσεβείς γονείς περί το 1601. Τα πρώτα γράμματα έμαθε από τον...
More than 100,000 Britons have recently downloaded «certificates of de-baptism» from the Internet to renounce their Christian faith. The initiative...
http://www.amazon.com/Birth-Hospital-Byzantine-Empire/dp/0801856574 «Dr. Miller is a learned and enterprising historian with a fascinating theme. He shows beyond a doubt that the...
Continued from (Part XXXVI) Mechanics of Prayer. The Church of Christ teaches us prayers composed by righteous and holy men....
Continued from (Part XXXV) Orthodox Prayer. The goal of the Christian’s life on earth is salvation in our Lord Jesus...
Continued from (Part XXXIV) Holy Matrimony. In the theology of the Orthodox Church man is made in the Image of...
Continued from (Part XXXIV) Holy Orders. In the Orthodox Church there are to be found three “Major Orders”-Bishop. Priest and...
Continued from (Part XXXII) A Lament for Sin. St. Basil the Great says, “Weep over your sin: it is a spiritual...
Continued from (Part XXXI) Holy Repentance (Penance — Confession). The Sacrament of Repentance developed early in the Church’s history in...