Continued from (10) Although they stayed in their hut more than before, they did go out from time to...
I. Who follows Jesus shall not walk Read the Gospel In darksome road with danger rife; But in his heart...
Continued from (9) 9. Various Trials and Manifest Aid from our Lady the Mother of God The Apostle Paul informs...
By Bishop John (Kallos) of Thermon The first and great commandment of Christ was the commandment to love. “Thou shalt...
Continued from (8) 8. The Trials grow more Intense Any extra aid from grace, when it comes legitimately to those...
Continued from (7) 7. The Discovery of the Hesychast Elder Daniel as Spiritual Father From the very beginning of his...
Continued from (6) 6. The Nature and Forms of Trials Trials or temptations (peirasmoi) have been so named because they...
5. The Time of Bitter Struggles Continued from (5) Such were the patterns of their outward movements, but the...
Continued from (4) 4. The Move to St Basil and the Death of the Elder Ephrem Any move is in...
Continued from (3) 3. Settlement in Katounakia with the elder Ephrem They thanked the Elder and promised obedience. Once they...
Ελληνικά Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov Those who want to pray with a cleansed mind (nous) must not concern themselves with the...
Continued from (2) 2. Initial Difficulties and Aid from Grace asion that presents itself arouses enthusiasm and interest. The remote...
As the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various kinds of diseases brought...
Continued from (1) Part I: The Life 1. Childhood and Youth The Elder’s homeland was Paros in the Cyclades; a...
Consider this… Moses, who spoke with God through the burning bush, who removed his sandals on the ever-holy ground… who...
Introduction It is only natural for noble memories to be recorded, so that they remain forever as glowing landmarks in...
One morning, the holy Elder («Geron») Epiphanios Theodoropoulos (1930-1989) was in a conversation with 2-3 visitors at his home. One of...
I was able to continuing reading Unseen Warfare last night and specifically I read a chapter titled “How to train...
VatopaidiFriend: «The Dream of the Rood (=Cross)» is a wonderful Old English poem written in the 8th century (before the...