Continued from (8) The angel counsels and exhorts me When among the righteous and the sinners I recognized my relatives...
And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, it will be hard for a rich man to...
Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but...
Continued from (7) The three large groups of people All these people who had risen and whom I had seen...
Continued from (6) The awful experience of the tortures in hell Another cloud was waiting for us there. We went...
Continued from (5) It is impossible to describe the beauty of paradise. I could not understand a single thing of...
Continued from (4) Archangel Gabriel enters my life It has been difficult for me to describe what happened afterwards in...
There was this couple, truly and utterly devoted to God; People who have decided to abandon their lives to His...
Introduction Some comments made by Misha: This letter was received in 2006. It was kept hidden because of personal reasons...
1 Kings 17:1; 18:17-19:21 – 2 Kings 2:1-15 After Solomon died, his kingdom was divided, and most of the men...
Continued from (3) I took them to the Zitsa monastery but they suddenly disappear As soon as we reached the...
Continued from (2) They give testimony to my previous sinful and reckless life I had still not understood the meaning...
… As to the temptations that have come to you now and those that might come in the future, pay...
Once, the Metropolitan of Moscow, Plato, (1730-1812) met with the French intellectual Ninderau , who said to him: -You know...
The basis of everything is to keep our minds on God by offering Him our heart, which He desires. When...
Saint Nikolai Velimirovch Athanasius was born in Trebizond of God-fearing parents. He became orphaned at an early age but, by...
Once, the Metropolitan of Moscow, Plato, (1730-1812) met with the French intellectual Ninderau, who said to him: -You know your...
Metropolitan Antony of Sourozh In one of the Gospels, before the passage which was read today about the healing of...
VatopaidiFriend: Today, June 14 we commemorate for the first time, the memory of Saint Justin Popovic that has been recently...
Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse...