Orthodox worship is characterized by a complete utilization of the senses sight, smell, hearing, speech and touch. We see the...
L’ascète Russe père Tikhon, qui vécut soixante ans au Mont Athos après avoir visité trois cents monastères en Russie disait:...
By Fr. Antony Hughes In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, one...
Great Constantine this renowned sovereign of the Christians was the son of Constantius Chlorus (the ruler of the westernmost parts...
Sunday before Pentecost Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh During the Last Supper our Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples that separation...
«Satan can only deceive he cannot pluck us out of the hand of God» Deceive – to mislead by a false...
“Whose voice is that rattling in your brain?” The following words of St. Silouan are fairly straightforward. God give us...
Angels and Demons God sent us angels to be our traveling companions and our guides in this life, to guard...
All too often do we as creatures of the Almighty forget that in each of us, no matter how spiritually...
“What we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands—We...
One day a week you should ‘keep holy’ (Ex. 20:8): that which is called the Lord’s day, because it is...
Dearly Beloved Brethren, Nοbody knows the time or even the place that our Lord is coming again to judge the...
The Resurrection of Christ is the one of the most important and central aspects of our Orthodox Christian faith. Father...
Standing by the coffin I gazed therein and beheld the corruption of the flesh. In the grave it had become...
Entering the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ said to His disciples, «Sit here while I go yonder and pray.» Taking...
“Do you think that I cannot call upon My Father and He will not provide Me at this moment with...
The Saturday of Lazarus from the liturgical point of view is the pre-feast of Palm Sunday – the Entrance of...
En vivant sans péché, on devient capable d’assimiler les dogmes Est-ce une chose réalisable pour nous de devenir enfants du...
Archbishop Dimitri of Dallas and the South «And he said unto them: Whosoever will come after me, let him deny...
If we consult a Bible concordance for the words «belief» and «faith», we find many pages of Biblical references. So...