Apostles of Christ. Under this title it may be sufficient to supply brief and essential information. The reader will find...
Eίς την περίοπτον τοποθεσίαν, όπου σήμερον ανυψώνονται τα επιβλητικά κτίρια της ιεράς σκήτεως του Αγίου Ανδρέου, ευρίσκομεν ήδη από τον...
Continued from (Part XXI) 5. Orthodox Monasticism. It is generally accepted that monasticism began in Egypt towards the end of...
Strangely enough, the word ‘gossip’ originally meant ‘godparent’ and it is connected with the word ‘sibling’. It is useful to...
Continued from (Part XX) The Feast of Feasts-The Holy Pascha of the Lord. On Saturday, the day after the crucifixion...
One morning, the holy Elder («Geron») Epiphanios Theodoropoulos (1930-1989) was in a conversation with 2-3 visitors at his home. One of...
Continued from (Part XIX) Great Feasts of the Paschal Cycle. The Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (Sunday Before Pascha)....
I was able to continuing reading Unseen Warfare last night and specifically I read a chapter titled “How to train...
Continued from (Part XVIII) The Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Aug. 6). At one point in His...
Continued from (Part XVII) The Holy Supper. Christmas customs among the Orthodox people are simple, yet beautiful and rich with...
John was the son of Zebedee the fisherman and Salome the daughter of Joseph, the betrothed of the Holy Theotokos....
Continued from (Part XVI) 4. Feasts of the Orthodox Church. The Twelve Great Feasts. The Nativity of the Most-Holy Theotokos...
Continued from (Part XV) Great Lent and Pascha The Feast of Feasts the Holy Pascha the Resurrection of the Lord-is...
Continued from (Part XIV) Concerning Bows and the Sign of the Cross. Orthodox worship is characterized by a complete utilization...
Continued from (Part XIII) Liturgical Books. The Liturgical books used in Orthodox worship fall into three main groups. The first...
Continued from (Part XII) Holy Communion. Communion is preceded by the fraction of the Lamb. The Priest and concelebrating Cler-gy,...
By Fr. Andrew Jarmus «Prayer is the test of everything; prayer is also the source of everything; prayer is the...
Continuued from (Part XI) The Divine Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy has its origins in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist,...
Continued from (Part X) Compline. Compline, most often served in monasteries, is the Service of Prayer before retiring to bed...
With the development of monasticism in the Church there appeared a peculiar way of life, which however did not proclaim...