An old man just walked away from his dark solitude in the lights of community. He is shadowed by thoughts,...
In order to paint the other (peacefull) world,we should try to live it, at least partially. Isn’t it so?..See photo…...
Just a small view for how Easter looks in a Monastery of the Holy Mountain…See photo… Μια μικρή ματιά για...
Working is hard. But the fruits of work are sweet…See photo... Η δουλειά είναι σκληρή. Αλλά οι καρποί της εργασίας...
The life and freshness of nature are amazing. After so many years of ‘technological progress’ we still cannot compare with...
Usually, we value smart people but the important thing is wisdom and in order to achieve this, experience plays a...
Μan must work in and with nature and not against it...See photo Ο άνθρωπος πρέπει να δουλεύει μέσα και με...
The old monk just came in the church and sat down, being old. His Abbot saw him and even if...
Metropolitan Philaret Voznesensky, the New Confessor: 1. Remember, you are a son (daughter) of the Orthodox Church. These are not...
Date: 20. – 25.10.2011. Organisator: Some friends of Mount Athos – Kleanthis Symeonides Conduct: Kleanthis Symeonides, E-mail: Communication: English…
Veranstalter: Some friends of Mount Athos – Kleanthis Symeonides Leitung – Anmeldung: Kleanthis Symeonides. E-Mail: Kommunikation: Englisch Weiter…
By Wallace Alcorn | Austin Daily Herald In commenting on anti-Jewish attacks in Turkey, I noted the country’s constitution is...
The Russian Orthodox Church called Wednesday for an end to the «monopoly of Darwinism» in Russian schools, saying religious explanations...
Saudi Arabia and China are among 13 countries a U.S. government panel named on Thursday as serious violators of religious...
Zurückgekehrt ist die heilige Reliquie des heiligen Nikodimos in sein Kloster Mit Ergriffenheit und Rührung empfingen gestern, Donnerstag den 15....
The celebration of Greek Independence Day on March 25th draws inspiration from one of the holiest days for Greek Orthodox...
VIDEO: P. Daniel Sysoev, Priester der Kirche von Moskau, war ein leidenschaftlicher Prediger des Evangeliums. Sein Wort war freimütig...
Von Priestermönch Job Gumerov Der Tod ist das letzte Ereignis im irdischen Leben eines Menschen. Für einen Missionar stellt der...