Η Ταπείνωση,η δοκιμασία,η θυσία. Ομιλεί ο Γέροντας Αρσένιος Papacioc, πνευματικό παιδί του γέροντα Κλεόπα Ιλίε. Ο γέροντας Αρσένιος είχε...
Ο π. Αρσένιος Μπόκα αφότου χειροτονήθηκε ιερεύς και έλαβε και την ευλογία να εξομολογή, συχνά στην εξομολόγησι έλεγε στους ανθρώπους...
Saint Theodora, the greatest of Romania’s holy ascetics, was born in the village of Vanatori, Neamts in the first half...
The Feast of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First Called is November 30th. Our Community chose Saint Andrew as its...
21. We would like to thank you for the miracle performing Belt Limassol, Cyprus «We would like to thank you...
By Fr. Andrew Phillips A Talk given at the Orthodox Pilgrimage to Felixstowe in August 2001 INTRODUCTION We sometimes hear...
Ch. 13. from The Truth of Our Faith:: A Discourse from Holy Scripture on the Teachings of True Christianity Inquirer:...
Ch. 2 from The Truth of Our Faith:: A Discourse from Holy Scripture on the Teachings of True Christianity Inquirer:...
Prologue from The Truth of Our Faith:: A Discourse from Holy Scripture on the Teachings of True Christianity, By Elder...